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Monday, 5 December 2011

Baby not on board

One of the most irritating things about being a London Commuter is this:

It's a badge to wear on the train/tube/bus (and seemingly on the street, at work, in a shop and no doubt at home on the sofa). Before I realised that I was barren, I thought they were a rather cute idea and was all for getting one for myself. Now, I bloody hate them.

It's bad enough seeing baby bumps all over the place without now having knowledge of women's pregnancies before they are showing. Surely, if a women is pregnant enough to need a seat it will be obvious without the need for the badge (unless she is massively overweight)?!? The cynic in me thinks it's just another way for smug fertiles to get attention.

If I ever get my BFP I will not be getting one now as I hate seeing the infernal things, they seem so smug. "Oooh, look at me, I'm pregnant." How wonderful for you. Have a cookie.

I am probably being unreasonable, but I don't care. I hate them and think they are pointless. So there.


  1. Those are crazy and I hate them, too. I mean they're cute as a joke, but it doesn't sound like people are using them as a joke. I always complain about the crappy public transport in my town, maybe I'll just shut up and be thankful I don't have to see those buttons everyday.

  2. Those buttons would annoy me too.

  3. Ugh.

    It's bad enough seeing the maternity parking spots in parking lots. I'm very glad I don't have to see those buttons on a daily basis. I'd probably never leave the house again.

  4. Between maternity parking spots, baby on board car decals, little stick figure families that adhere to your car window and now Baby on Board buttons ... I want to shoot myself. We just can't escape the constant smack in the face, can we?

  5. In Australia every damn family car has 'family stickers', which I believe are going global. They are stickers on your car window with cartoon pics of the parents, their plethora of kids, their cat, dog and fish! I HATE them! But the is now a sticker you can get in response, 'F*CK your family'.

    Hello world, you are Pregnant! NOT terminal! As I suffer from SIF I do have a child, so I can say that those women begging for a seat at 2 seconds preg, even 40 wks, need to have a look at themselves. I never accepted a seat when preg at any stage. I was not sick, i was with child. Stop being victims, your fat arse doesn't need a seat. And that goes for obese people too, that's why you are large, you are always sitting!!

    Can you tell my day has started off crap! Thanks, I needed that blast, I feel a little better now.

  6. I really hate the pregnancy entitlement thing too... I've just been to an antenatal class where the teacher encouraged us to ask to go in front in queues, which I thought was a bit off.

    I have gotten irritated on a couple of occasions with people jumping in front of me in the queue at the bank and in the supermarket when I felt knackered, and I wondered if they'd have done the same if I was more visibly pregnant. But I suspect they would have still been rude in any case.

  7. Ick! I hate those. I remember the Christmas I had to sit through with my sister wearing a T-shirt that pointed to her bump ... you know the kind, with arrow, and the word "bump." Didn't help that it was the first Christmas back in my parents' house after I'd started losing my second and last pregnancy there (on Christmas morning no less) a few years earlier, and also after my father had died. Oh that was a good day.

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