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Monday, 14 November 2011

Day 4 of down regulation

Still getting my husband to inject not ready to do it myself! In a way, I rather like how he is involved with it. It does seem to hurt less- maybe it's because I can't see it go in. I am just not able to do it to myself. My heart goes out to diabetics who have to do it every day for their whole lives. Nuff respec'.

So far I have no symptoms, slightly worried it's not working. The drug (Buserelin) is supposed to be kept under 25 degrees C (no, I don't know what that is in degrees F, it's slightly above room temperature OK), and I realised this morning that I was keeping the box of meds scarily close to the radiator. We had the radiators switched off until recently but this cold weather has meant having them on. The meds weren't ON the radiator, but I'd say they were about 50cm away. I am hoping that they didn't go above 25 degrees C- my husband assured me it would be OK. They are in a box, in another box and he said that room temperature is 22 degrees C so it's all probably fine. I hope so! I have moved them now to a cooler part of the room. It's not supposed to be in the fridge like my other meds.

In other news, I am eating really healthily. I am healthy anyway, but thought it can't hurt to eat even better. Someone on Fertility Friends told me that got rather bloated during one of her cycles, the clinic scanned her to see why and saw that she was... how shall I put this... rather backed up. She had no idea as her toilet habits hadn't changed. I have bought some dates to make sure that this doesn't happen to me! I drink loads of water anyway as I love it- 2 litres a day so will just maintain that. Have been making an effort to eat more protein- on Babycentre (another forum I use a lot -very supportive ladies and regularly updated posts) many ladies have posted that they been told by their clinics to drink a litre of milk everyday for their egg quality. Not a big milk fan, but have been eating daily yoghurts and have increased my egg intake 3 fold. Have also bought some protein powder and have been adding it to hot chocolate in the evenings. If I wasn't veggie I wouldn't worry, but I have wanted to make sure- there's so much more protein in a meat eater's diet than a vegetarian one. I am also eating pumpkin seeds for iron and omega 3. On top of this I am having my prenatal vitamin and taking Royal Jelly (not sure about this one, but loads of ladies recommend this for egg quality).

None of the above may make any difference, but it's not going to hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your injections are going well. I still will not let my husband shoot me up, lol.. Guess its because im a serious control freak.
