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Monday, 16 January 2012

Tomorrow sometimes comes

Well I had the scan and was amazed to see the little bean in the right place, the right size and with a little heartbeat!

We can't believe it.


  1. Aww that is wonderful news. I am so happy that everything is ok and the little one is progressing nicely!

  2. Yihhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

    I've been busting to see how you went and said a little prayer. I'm so glad to get on here and read my mate has a beautiful little butter bean bouncing around in there. A very big congrats from Aussie land.

    Looks like you are going to spend this Xmas with a baby of your own!! It's really happening..xx

  3. Yay! That's excellent news. In the nicest possible way, I hope you start puking soon - it's so reassuring!

  4. Yay -- fantastic. So happy for you.

  5. Yay! That Blog Title isn't looking so appropriate anymore, is it?
