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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

9 weeks today and all is not rosy

Well I am 9 weeks today and had some bleeding. It started as spotting and got heavier and was definite red blood. There is nothing there now but I am bricking it. Earliest appointment I can get at GP is 9:20am and I have to go there before I can go to the EPU for a scan. I just hope they can scan me tmw as they EPU is referral only but it's first come first served and they stop accepting patients at 11:30 or something.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies.


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed and thinking of you

  2. Hang in there - I will keep a positive thought for you!

  3. Praying for you sweetie. Please keep us posted.

  4. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

  5. Oh no! If it makes you feel any better, Still A Guest Room had a bleed at round about where you are now and everything turned out fine. Fingers crossed everything is good.

    And what a horrible EPU policy :(

  6. You know I'm using all my prayers up for you. I'm hitting sticky sticky baby glue for six with my cricket bat for you. Email me if you want to chat. I'm here..xx

  7. Thinking of you and hoping everything is ok with your little one. xx
