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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

IVF, positivity and relaxation

Well I have read so much about how relaxing and positive thinking helps IVF. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, but one of life's stress-heads it wouldn't do me any harm to relax.

Since starting ttc I have thought positively for one cycle only- my first month. I think I had a chemical preg that month (as I tested positive then AF arrived). I was gutted so, to try and protect myself I told myself each month it probably wouldn't be my month. Only at the back of my mind I would think it might. AF would come and I would be bitterly upset and anxious. Now, when it happens, I am not surprised, angry or upset.

Anyway, got the Zita West IVF relaxation CD, thought I'd give it a listen and quite like it. I have listened a few times now and it does relax and make me feel positive. I could be setting myself up for a big fall, I could think positive and my cycle won't work and I would be devastated. I don't think I have got anything to lose. If I was thinking negatively and it didn't work I reckon I would still be devastated.

Anyway, AF is due imminently and I will take my pill and start my cycle on CD21. All this positive thinking made me think I might have conceived naturally, I had ridiculous amounts of CM and wondered if this was a sign. Well it's not, BFN this morning. Not really that bothered.

Onwards and upwards.

(though I bet I spend the day googling "bfn 10dpo")


  1. I think whether you are positive or not it still feels rubbish when a cycle fails. The fact that people are putting themselves through IVF says that they're hopeful, even if they say they're not.

    I really hope you don't have to go through a negative and it works first time for you x x x

  2. I came in to say exactly what Kat said. Looking back, all I can say is that I am glad I was hopeful and positive at the times I was hopeful and positive, because the hard times were going to be hard no matter what.
