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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

CONGRATULATIONS (but don't expect me to be happy for you)

Thank you to all you lovely ladies for your comments. You are all, of course, correct (and my husband has also told me similar things).

That aside, I am still miserable. I was feeling a bit better but am now feeling like crud again for several reasons:

1) I am taking Microgynon (the pill) which has made me spotty and moody. I know it is this as I am never spotty and not normally moody, I googled the symptoms, spots and mood swings are there, as well as weight gain (WHAT?!?). I never took the contraceptive pill before as I didn't want to put unnecessary drugs into my body. Oh the irony.

2) I went to a concert last night and had a flat full of people staying over afterwards. As a result the cats were cross. To show their displeasure, they proceeded to race around the flat knocking things over, jump on and off our bed with ever increasing force and scratch the bath tub (loud and it goes through me). Needless to say I got about 2 hours sleep last night.

3) The husband and I met some friends before the afore mentioned concert. Conversation went like this:
Them: We have some very exciting news
Me (inaudible intake of breath, heart sinking, getting fake smile ready): Oh really?
 Them: Yes, we are going to have a baby.
Me and husband faux cheerfully: Congratulations.
Them: Yes, here is a scan.
Me: OOh, how wonderful (did I ask to see a scan picture?!?)
Husband: Oh... errr... great
Them: I know, we can't believe it. We weren't expecting it to happen straight away.
Her: I didn't realise I was pregnant for ages.
Me: Marvellous (of course you didn't, fertile people never notice such things).
Them: We can't believe it, we really can't.
Me: Me neither (I can, but if you can't, then perhaps I should be worried about your mental capacity as a functioning human being).
Them: It's a big thing.
Me: Yes, it is. (no s**t Sherlock)

I am a horrible person.


  1. Stop! You are not a horrible person. It sounds to me as if you were perfectly pleasant to them, when inside you were in so much pain. Don't underestimate the strength it took not to show your feelings. Letting them out here - well that's what this space is for, right? (And I think you were quite restrained here too!!)

  2. You really aren't a horrible person, you are just p*ssed off and frustrated. I feel the same way!
