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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Alcohol and its impact on fertility

This is something I have been thinking a lot about lately.

I love a drink. I drink socially and sometimes at home. I love wine and beer and yes, I actually like the taste of it (unlike some of my friends who don't like the taste and so only drink alcohol that doesn't taste of alcohol).

I am social person and I love meeting with my friends in the pub. If you meet in the pub and everyone is drinking, it is difficult to say no. Not only are you surrounded by temptation, your friends want to know why you are not drinking. My biggest fear is that they will think I am pregnant when I am not.

I had an ectopic pregnancy last year, before I knew it was ectopic (but after I knew there may be a problem with the pregnancy) were were at a games night. Those at the games night are big drinkers and wanted to know why I wasn't drinking. I had to lie and say I was on antibiotics.

When I went to the fertility clinic, I was told I shouldn't be drinking at all. Not even in moderation. The NHS's line is, if you are trying for a baby, you should drink like a pregnant lady. Apparently it affects your fertility. I wouldn't mind giving up if pregnant, there would be a reason. Giving up drinking completely in the hope of getting pregnant seems crazy to me. We have been trying for a year and a half. Does that mean that I shouldn't have been drinking all that time?

Studies have shown that even light drinking (1-5 units a week) can affect fertilty. Reasons given are that it can affect hormones, delay ovulation or prevent ovulation altogether.

I will give up again, but it is very difficult. Especially when I know that many women who drink far more than me fall pregnant despite the fact that they drink.

Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here is a link to one of the recent studies:


  1. Hmm. I'm never sure about alcohol and ttc. I like drinking and really miss it when I'm off it. I cut down and then stop before cycles just to be on the safe side.

    I asked my doctor abotu it and was told it was ok in moderation.

    I suspect for most people it probably just takes a bit longer if they drink heavily, but if you've been trying for ages and nothing has happened then it seems extremely unlikely that drinking will make much difference. I think the bottom line is to do what you're comfortable with, and don't blame yourself cos so much of infertility is completely out of our control.

  2. I agree with sushigirl, though during my 2ww I didn't drink, and I'm going to abstain this cycle as well. I'm at 3 years ttc, so I'm willing to try anything that might help.

  3. By the way, I think we are already 'friends' on Babycentre UK, as you have a very distinctive username. I haven't really been using BC much lately but it's nice to see a familiar face in the blog world.
