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Thursday, 29 December 2011

10dp5dt, 15 days after EC BRICKING IT

On my way home back to London having spent Christmas with our families up North. Tomorrow is OTD and last night I couldn't sleep, I tossed
and turned. Feel sick with worry. I really don't want to see that little white space where a line should be. I can't imagine getting a BFP, I want one but it seems so unlikely. Nothing ever works for me, my body lets me down so often.

I had some symptoms- cramps and bloating. My boobs were sore but I don't count that as I know it's definitely the pessaries (they were sore before the transfer). I know cramps can mean anything good or bad but I was hopeful about the bloating. I thought it could mean that the preggo hormones were keeping my follies large. I woke up this morning and my bloating had gone right down. Gutted. The cramps have turned into a dull ache. No sign of AF which is good as I have always had a short luteal phase (9-12 days, I am now 15 days past ovulation) BUT I know that it is the Cyclogest (progesterone) pessaries keeping it away.

I can't take this anymore, all this speculating. It's horrible. I think I will test today, when I get home -1 day early. I will use a FR test and think
I will get an accurate result. If it's BFN I
almost won't want to stop pessaries, I love not having AF. I will stop though as I can use them for luteal support for natural TTC.

Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies. I am a nervous wreck.


  1. I think you should defintely test and not torture yourself any longer. However, in the very unlikely chance its negative (I think it will be BFP) do not stop the prog. until they tell you to.

  2. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you. I have a shot LP also, but the progesterone has never prolonged it. Good luck!

  3. GOod luck. I think I always caved by 10 days post transfer, so I'm impressed with your willpower.

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
