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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

In one of those moods...

I am permanently tired. I have so much going on in my life and I wish it would stop.

The wedding: We get married next month and there are still little fiddly bits to do. I asked my Mum to go to the local cash and carry to buy a large jar of sweets and some small cartons of drink for the children at my wedding.  I can't go as the wedding is being held in my home town over 200 miles away from London and I have NO time to do anything. She ended up buying 5 large jars of sweets and 3 times more drinks than required (and ended up spending £90- which she billed us for- on this crap). We had no intention of spending this kind of money on children and am annoyed my Mum didn't check with us first before spending that kind of money on something so frivolous. My other half went mad. He said that children these days are already spoilt/eat too many sweets and most of the sweets won't get eaten (I think that the sweets will get eaten as many adults love sweets, but he doesn't have a sweet tooth so can't believe it). Now I can't trust Mum to go and get stuff and she just goes mad (with our money too!).

My brother: He told me a few weeks ago that he is moving to London with his girlfriend to work and that he is planning on staying with Dad. I live in London, Dad lives a 40 minute train ride out of London. I told him that he and his girlfriend are welcome to stay with us for a few weeks whilst they settle in and find a place to live. Last week he told me that his girlfriend's work placement starts 2 days after our wedding and lasts 10 weeks. That means that when we come back from honeymoon we will not have any alone time. Additionally, this is when I am due to start IVF treatment and my other half has an exam (my brother doesn't know these things though). Any normal person would think, "Oh, they will have just got married and will have just returned from honeymoon. It is not appropriate for us to go and stay with them at that point." But not him. He is 27 and should know better. Now, I am going to have to tell him to go and stay with Dad for 3-4 weeks so that we can enjoy a bit of peace and quiet after having returned from our honeymoon (I will NOT be telling him about IVF). I am just irriatated that I have to tell him these things and he hasn't got the common sense to realise it for himself.

At work we have implimented a new computer system and it keeps going wrong. I have to keep on sorting it and I have no patience.

My AF is due (from yesterday and could arrive anytime up till Saturday- cycles for me vary from 24-28 days).

I haven't been able to sleep lately, it's hot and muggy in London. Plus I have a lot on my mind. I am exhausted and sick of it all. I am sick of thinking ahead and planning and doing. I want and need to relax.

Me and the Mr are going camping in the woods for a few days. Just us two. I can't wait. My AF is likely to show whilst I am camping. Not the best circumstances for AF (campsite toilets anyone?) but perhaps I will deal with it better in tranquil surroundings.


  1. Do not - repeat DO NOT - have anyone staying with you in the run-up to IVF. I've just deleted the relevant posts off my blog, but I did and it made me go bonkers!

    Re: the sweets, I know how that feels - my parents ended up making us buy frigging pot planters for our wedding that neither of us wanted and we had no space for at ours. Anyway, can you keep some of the sweets back and save them for birthdays/Christmases/any other upcoming family gatherings?

  2. Ha ha, don't worry SG, there is no way. I don't know what my hormones will be doing. Plus, as it will be secret, I will not be able to talk to my OH about it.

    I think the sweets will get eaten (if not at the wedding, later by nieces and nephews later), it is just such a waste of money!

    Pot planters??? Sheesh. Why do parents run away with themselves.
