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Monday, 13 June 2011

10 dpo and symptom spotting like mad :-/

I hate symptom spotting. I have mental conversations with myself that go something like this:

me: oooh, your boobs are sore today
me: stop it, your boobs are sore every month around this time
me: I have cramps
me: stop it, you have cramps every month around this time...
me: yes, but this month it could mean something
me: no, it means nothing, you're infertile, remember? 

ad nauseum...

queue frantic typing of "10 dpo cramps" and "10 dpo sore boobs" into Google.

10 DPO and have had the above conversation with myself several times. And I have spent a good hour on google trying to find out if my CM could indicate pregnancy.

I will do a test tomorrow AM, no doubt it will be a BFN and then my AF will arrive later that day (this is what usually happens...

1 comment:

  1. 10dpo is the worst day. It's too soon (for me way too soon) to test, but not too soon to start getting paranoid. Hope you can get through the next day or two okay!
